This has been perceived in Finland as being a means of guaranteeing equal education opportunities for the entire population irrespective of social or ethnic background, gender and place of residence. Spotlight on vocational education and training in Finland. This will also force the retirement age to increase, reaching 62.4 years in 2025 ([8]In 2017 it was 61.2 years. Student loans are available from banks operating in Finland. Validation of non-formal and informal learning has relatively long and established roots in Finland and the legislation and policies are well developed and detailed. communication and interaction competence; programmes that comprise work-based learning but are not apprenticeships or fall under a training agreement category. and the overall time spent in each programme. Vocational adult education centres (public and regional) mostly provide further and specialist VET. ), NB: 2016 data (most recent). However, there is no one single law for this; laws and regulations for each field of education define validation separately. One specific challenge has been to find qualified teachers in some fields. This paper examines Finland vocational (career technical) teacher education programs over the past 50 years. Eurostat table tps00001 [extracted 16.5.2019]. Thus, vocational institutions offer initial and continuing training both for young people and adult learners. Attainment of Finns aged 25 to 64 has increased significantly since 2000 and slightly more rapidly than in the EU-28 on average ([18] Cedefop research paper; No 67. The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Last spring, 70% of applications to the vocational education track were successful, as against 94% to the general education track. The national qualification requirements define the required vocational competence, principles of assessment and how the competence is demonstrated. Eurostat table edat_lfse_24 [extracted 16.5.2019].). Almost half of those taking further vocational qualifications completed their studies under the age of 35, and over half of those taking specialist vocational qualifications were over 40. Studying at the workplace is either based on apprenticeship or on training agreement. ), demand for skilled labour and educational needs. The changing population structure will also require improving attainment, preventing early leaving from education and training, facilitating young people’s transition to further education and making flexible learning paths for completing qualifications. They also participate in quality assurance of skills demonstrations and assessment through national feedback, follow-up and evaluation data, and may also visit the skills demonstrations events, when necessary. The Parasta osaamista project set up a network for improving VET teacher’s CPD. NB: Share of the population aged 18 to 24 with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training. Organisation for Respiratory Health) vocational institutions, fire, police and security service institutions (national) and folk high schools, sports institutions, music schools and colleges (local) account for less than 10% of learners in initial VET. More than in the US. These fields include general upper secondary education, vocational education and training (including continuing VET), and higher education. In 2018, among 20 to 24 year-olds, 11.8% were neither in employment nor in education and training. Finland benefits from a sound track record in high-quality vocational education, and this expertise can be successfully transferred to other countries and localized to yield the best results. The model is used to anticipate the skills needs in 2 to 3 fields every year ([32] 10% (2017) ([65], European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. The most common type of VET providers is vocational institutions (owned by municipalities, industry and service sector) ([54]Some VET providers are foundations or limited companies; they are categorised as ‘private’ but municipalities usually have shares in such companies/foundations.). Also the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church requires its employees to have education in the field. There is also emphasis on creating practices to recognise prior learning more effectively. Study in Finland. Expansion and diversification in European countries. The old-age dependency ratio is expected to increase from 31 in 2015 to 50 in 2060 ([7]Old-age-dependency ratio is defined as the ratio between the number of persons aged 65 and more over the number of working-age persons (15-64 years). NB: Data based on ISCED 2011. The optional additional year is provided to students at age 16. An employer or another representative of a workplace or other cooperation partner may also participate in the preparation of the personal competence development plan, when required. The most common type of VET providers is vocational institutions (owned by municipalities, industry and service sector) ([61]Some VET providers are foundations or limited companies; they are categorised as ‘private’ but municipalities usually have shares in such companies/foundations.). In the wake of the 2018 VET reform, key competences are no longer addressed as a separate part of vocational competence. The employment rate of VET graduates (age 20-34, ISCED levels 3 and 4) has increased since 2014 by 2.2 percentage points and reached 79.8% in 2018. The amount of the one-time scholarship is EUR 390 and it is tax-free. ISBN: 978-952-263-592-1. The national qualification requirements define the required vocational competence, principles of assessment and how the competence is demonstrated. There are 145 VET providers in total (Figure 10); this is considerably fewer than in 2006 as they have been strongly encouraged to merge. Teachers also play a big role in giving guidance for learners. In-company trainers (nationally referred to as workplace instructors) are responsible for supervising learners during their on-the-job learning periods or apprenticeship training in enterprises. Apprenticeships have been used mainly in further and specialist vocational education. There is also plenty of autonomy for continuing professional development (CPD) for VET teachers. Most teachers are required a master’s degree. In the workplace, guidance is coordinated by a qualified trainer. The starting point for updating a qualification may be changes in the skills needs in the labour market. Teachers especially favour continuing education that helps them update their professional knowledge in their own subject or field of vocational education and training. Guidance and counselling should enable all pupils to reach the best results possible for them. Vocational qualifications are structured in a modular way. At the end of their studies, learners give feedback concerning the following themes: flexibility in studies; the ways in which teaching facilities and the learning environment supported studies; receiving support and guidance during studies; equity between learners and workers at the workplace; opportunities to study and learn in the workplace; gaining of entrepreneurial competence; and assessment of their individual competence and readiness for the working life and further studies. The allowance is a legal right and can be granted to an applicant who has a working history of at least eight years (or at least five years by 31 July 2010), and who has been working for the same employer for at least one year. In the wake of the 2018 VET reform (Vocational Education and Training Act 531, adopted in 2017 and in force since 2018), key competences are no longer addressed as a separate part of vocational competences. Although upper secondary education is free of charge, learners are required to buy their own learning materials (for instance, books, toolsets and any other materials). It is supported by the skills anticipation forum, established in early 2017. Trainers are generally experienced foremen and skilled workers. VET learners have a right to receive guidance and every VET provider has a guidance counsellor available (providers can share this service). teachers of vocational units, teachers of common units, special needs teachers; trainers. All VET programmes ensure eligibility for higher education studies. The results of these projects will be seen in 2020 at the earliest. Ehdotus tutkintotavoitteista 2020-luvulle). This is expected to encourage education providers to increase their offer of apprenticeship training. A study grant is available as soon as eligibility for child benefit finishes at the age of 17. The National Forum for Skills Anticipation (Osaamisen ennakointifoorumi) serves as a joint expert body in educational anticipation for the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education. The Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training Decree (673/2017([57] defines the principles for recognising prior learning. According to the guidelines, training for trainers comprises three modules, providing participants with the capabilities required in order to: plan training at the workplace; provide vocational competence demonstrations; instruct VET learners and assess their learning; and impart vocational skills. The VET provider collects the feedback from learners and saves the learners´ answers in the online system that has been developed for this purpose. NB: Share of adult population aged 25 to 64 participating in education and training. Vocational education and training in Finland Vocational education and training (VET) is designed both for young people without upper secondary qualifications and for adults already in work life. These changes can lead to a change of the qualification requirements, or even the qualification structure, of initial, further and specialist vocational qualifications. The education is also useful in different staff development tasks in companies and work communities. Educational support and guidance also covers areas such as support for learning according to the individual capacity of the learners, school attendance and learner welfare. Vocational education holds the promise to respond to these challenges by producing the skilled workforce essential for innovation and progress to adapt to our changing world. Forecasts of future skills demand have an impact on decisions about education supply. Such professions usually require a higher education degree. The plan identifies and recognises the skills previously acquired by the learner and outlines what kind of competences the learner needs and how they will be acquired in different learning environments. Interest, repayment and other terms and conditions applying to the loan are agreed between the bank and the learner. Professional teacher education Professional/Vocational teacher education is intended for applicants who work or intend to work as a teacher at Universities of Applied Sciences and institutions of vocational education. VET providers determine which vocational qualifications and which study programmes within the specified fields of education will be organised at their vocational institutions. Organisation for Respiratory Health) vocational institutions, fire, police and security service institutions (national) and folk high schools, sports institutions, music schools and colleges (local) account for less than 10% of learners in initial VET. The anticipation model created in the VOSE project is now used in the qualitative anticipation of education and training. Source: Finnish Centre for Pensions: E.g. Funding responsibility rests with teachers’ employers, mainly local authorities. The new funding system will gradually be introduced and will be fully operational in 2022. 180 for initial/upper secondary vocational qualifications; 120/150/180 for further vocational qualifications; 160/180/210 for specialist vocational qualifications. personal competence development plan for each learner charting and recognising previously acquired skills; early leaving from education and training is low and decreasing; leaving VET early is still more common than in general education; participation in lifelong learning is high, also due to VET participation. The training is very practically-oriented. NB: Breaks in time series. The learner can also include units from general upper secondary curriculum, other vocational qualifications (incl. Teachers, guidance and counselling staff and assessors of competence. During the crisis there was only a slight increase in unemployment, and the difference between the unemployment rates of the three categories above remained quite stable. The most common types of VET provider are vocational institutions (owned by municipalities, industry and the service sector) ([22]Some VET providers are foundations or limited companies; they are categorised as ‘private’ but municipalities usually have shares in such companies/foundations.). The qualification requirements determine: the units included in the qualification; any possible specialisations made up of different units; selection of optional units in addition to compulsory ones; the vocational skills required for each qualification unit; the guidelines for assessment (targets and criteria of assessment); and the ways of demonstrating vocational skills. The new system of funding is moving away from the current model of core funding and a very small element of performance funding (5%), towards one based on funding divided into core, performance and effectiveness and strategy. Share of high, medium and low level qualifications: Early leavers from education and training: Continuing professional development of teachers/trainers: You must have Javascript enabled to use this form. The value is expressed per 100 persons of working age (15-64).). Source: Eurostat, proj_15ndbims [extracted 16.5.2019]. The recognition of prior learning must be done in all VET qualifications: in vocational, further and specialist qualifications. Vocational education in Finland refers to programs that prepare youth and adults for the workplace. This degree qualifies to serve as a kindergarten teacher and as a pre-school teacher. The language of instruction for initial and continuing VET is decided in the licence for VET provision, granted by the education ministry. The CPD obligation of teaching staff is defined partly in legislation and partly in the collective agreement negotiated between the Trade Union of Education in Finland and the employers’ organisation. In 2017 it was 61.2 years. Around 70% of VET providers are privately owned and 24% are owned by joint municipal authorities (Figure 10). The amount of the loan is EUR 300 per month (in secondary education for learners under age 18) or EUR 650 per month (in secondary education for learners of age 18 or older ). These also include skills generally required in working life, such as social skills and key competences for lifelong learning. It defines how many there are initial, further and specialist VET qualifications: their share, titles and competence points (total and for common units; their division within the qualification is decided by the Finnish National Agency for Education). Although there are no official data for trainers ([25]In-company trainers (nationally referred to as workplace instructors) are responsible for supervising learners during their on-the-job learning periods or apprenticeship training in enterprises.) The 2016 teacher education development programme (Opettajankoulutuksen kehittämisohjelma) also aims to adopt a systematic and coherent structure for teachers’ competence development during their careers. and assessments of learning outcomes. basic and field-specific study unit(s) (compulsory); specialised study units (compulsory and optional). External evaluation of training is frequently ([38]The term used in the legislation.) The plan includes information on, for example, identification and recognition of prior learning, acquisition of missing skills, demonstrations of competence and of other skills, and the guidance and support needed. But companies gladly recruit people with work experience. It could be used, for example, for VET national development projects, skills competitions and developing education provider networks (e.g. Specialist vocational qualification in horse care and management ([63]The specialist vocational qualification in horse care and management comprises four competence areas and qualification titles (in parentheses): This cost-efficiency trend in education has been apparent since the mid-1990s. Teachers of vocational units take teacher’s pedagogical studies at five vocational teacher education institutions (universities of applied sciences) while teachers of common units (such as languages and mathematics) generally complete them at universities. It also supports learners’ growth into good and balanced individuals and members of society, and it provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for further studies and for the development of their personalities. Governance and funding of the relevant exercises are the remit of three ministries (Education and Culture, Finance, Economic Affairs and Employment). In Finland, education is free, from pre-primary level to ... continue in either vocational or upper secondary education. Duration depends on the prior learning of the student, especially in the case of further and specialist vocational programmes, and is defined in the personal competence development plan of each learner. Youth unemployment is on the increase; the rate for 15 to 24 year-olds was 20% in 2014, 21.4% in 2016 and 20.4% in 2019. The Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training Decree (673/2017([64] defines the principles for recognising prior learning. Although these institutions receive state funding, most of the costs are covered by the owners of these enterprises (or by the enterprises responsible for them). These ministries engage in a variety of skills anticipation exercises, taking advantage of the long-term baseline forecasts of economic development produced by the Institute for Economic Research (Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus), a specialised state institution under the Ministry of Finance. Vocational education qualifies the student for a particular vocation. The study leave is unpaid unless otherwise agreed with the employer. The recognition of prior learning must be done in all VET qualifications: in vocational, further and specialist qualifications. Guided and goal-oriented studying at the. This is also due to the increased number of asylum seekers in 2015-16 ([6]Statistics Finland: At national level, the general goals for VET and the qualifications structure ([21]Qualification structure is a system of qualifications. There are no formal qualifications requirements for trainers in Finland. In some regions there is a competition for potential learners between general upper secondary and VET schools. Within this system, the learners acquire some experience during their studies and the learner and the company get to know each other. - working as a specialist in farriery (farrier (SQ)); It considers the needs and requirements of the workplace and the learner. The qualifications requirements adopted by the Finnish National Agency for Education are published in electronic form on the Finnish National Agency for Education website. Omnia offers: vocational training from basic to … In general education, all teachers are required a Master’s degree. NB: Data as of 30 April 2019. Similar to public VET providers, they receive government subsidies and have the right to award official qualification certificates. Since 2011, VET quality strategy has been in place, drawn up by the Ministry of Education and Culture. A few regulated professions require a vocational qualification. teachers of vocational units, teachers of common units, special needs teachers; education provider´s competence assessment plan; learner`s personal competence development plan. The core message of the legislation is that validation of non-formal and informal learning is a subjective right of the individual and the competences of an individual should be validated regardless of when and where they have been acquired. The popularity of vocational teacher education has been consistent over many years, largely because of the flexible arrangements for completing studies. Public funding is mainly provided by the State (30%) and local authorities (municipalities) (70%). ISCED 5-8 = tertiary education. In particular, regional anticipation activities have developed rapidly in the past decade. According to OECD studies, over 90% of teachers in primary, upper secondary and vocational schools in Finland like their job. At the beginning of VET studies objectives for competence development are recorded in a personal competence development plan for each learner. This means that the education providers need to have their own operating system that contains relevant and functional quality management measures (selected by VET providers). Source: It is possible to collect moderate student fees; on average 15% of the costs of the training. The latter is now being addressed by the new financing mechanism that gives more weight to the effectiveness of studies and is pushing towards timely acquisition of qualifications. Operating costs per learner in upper secondary VET by study field in 2012, 2014, 2017 (euros), Source: Education Statistics Finland (Vipunen): This assessment plays a significant role on learners’ final qualification certificates. These modules comprise units of work or activities found in the world of work. Finnish professional development programs for teachers focus on the knowledge and practical skills needed to improve the performance of teachers in vocational education and training. Each student´s personal competence development plan must include recognition of prior learning. Private funding only accounts for 2.6% of all education expenditure. Prior learning acquired in training, working life or other learning environments has to be recognised as part of the qualification. Most continuing training is provided free of charge and teachers enjoy full salary benefits during their participation. Case study focusing on Finland. In vocational education, teachers should have a Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree. The last one requires passing the matriculation examination. Old-age-dependency ratio is defined as the ratio between the number of persons aged 65 and more over the number of working-age persons (15-64 years). Source: Eurostat, educ_uoe_enrs01, educ_uoe_enrs04 and educ_uoe_enrs07 [extracted 16.5.2019]. In addition, a wide range of national and regional EU-funded anticipation and forecast projects are carried out by organisations such as research institutions, labour market and industry organisations, VET providers, universities and universities of applied sciences. The national qualification requirements have been based on a learning-outcomes approach since the early 1990s. In VET (excluding apprenticeships and special needs), funding varies by study field. The system is not fully operational yet as the new financing system will be ready in 2022. Learners themselves find work places for the training. ): Relatively few professions require a specific type of education. This supports building flexible and individual learning paths and promotes validation of prior learning. Vocational education and universities Vocational education in Espoo is arranged by Omnia, a joint authority of education in the Espoo region, on behalf of its member municipalities Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi. The housing supplement covers 80% of the rent, but may not exceed EUR 201.60 per month. The education provider pays compensation to cover the costs of training provided in the workplace. The task is to analyse changing competence and skills needs; their impact on the development of education on the basis of the anticipation data; and to promote the interaction of education and training with working life in cooperation with the Ministry and Finnish National Agency for Education. The goal is to steer the number of learner places in education and training provision to ensure that it matches developments in the demand for labour as closely as possible. In Finland, the applicants willing to engage in vocational teacher education program are required to have a Master’s degree (or in some cases Bachelor’s degree) completed in a university or in a university of applied sciences and a minimum of three or five years’ work experience in a … An adult education allowance is available to employees and self-employed people who wish to go on a study leave for at least two months. Volume 3: the responsiveness of European VET systems to external change (1995-2015). #25 Finland spends about 30% less per student than the US, the UK, Japan and Germany. 50% core funding is based on the number of students; it is important for forward planning and ensuring future provision of VET in all fields and for all students; 35% performance funding is based on the number of completed qualifications and qualification units; it is meant to steer education providers to target education and qualifications in accordance with competence needs and to intensify study processes; 15% effectiveness funding is based on students’ access to employment, pursuit of further education and feedback from both students and the labour market (. In upper secondary VET, operating costs per learner vary between EUR 6 488 for all apprenticeships (companies cover most of the costs) to EUR 27 956 in special needs VET ([23]The most recent available data of 2017.). Furthermore, skills once acquired need to be regularly updated and kept current, in order to benefit both employers and employees. The international variety of vocational teacher education patterns, profiles and recruitment practices is presented. Finland benefits from a sound track record in high-quality vocational education, and this expertise can be successfully transferred to other countries and localized to yield the best results. The plan is attached to the application for a licence to provide VET. A scholarship is available for those who have completed a vocational, further or specialist qualification. The targets of assessment defined in the qualification requirements indicate those areas of competence on which special attention is focused during assessment. Surveys, quantitative indicators and self-evaluation giving guidance for learners from pre- primary to higher education – to meet and! 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