Those are the ones you’re most likely to write well, and to enjoy writing while you’re at it. When a novel isn’t autobiographical, it often speaks directly to its author’s lived experiences in some way. Hence, writing diverse characters is something that every author must seriously consider. Right now the world is having a reckoning, or at least I hope it is. Other members of your cast will interact with them through the lens of their own biases, and your characters will hold ingrained beliefs about themselves too. on the other, Most of my friends look, sound, and come from entirely different backgrounds than me. 7 Ways to Write Characters That Don’t Look Like You Read, Read, Read:. That’s where my expertise lies, and hopefully it’s where I can make at least some small contribution to this movement. Our bookshelves and e-readers are filled with autobiographical novels that touch minds and hearts because they are so close to the authors’ own experiences. Don’t get me wrong, there are tons of brilliant POC, gay, Muslim, trans, and other authors out there producing awesome stories, but too few of these ever reach mainstream—and ultimately, this will never change unless all of us force it to change. In this age of absolutes and extreme opinions, it's hard to write diverse, Extreme social justice movements on one side, And horrendously disrespectful ideologies growing (should I say mutating?) Excellent thoughts, Adam. consider all the types of diversity that could exist in your cast, Redemption Arcs: How to Redeem a Flawed Character, The 4 Reasons Your Protagonist’s Blue Eyes Don’t Matter, Writing a Trilogy: How to Plan a Series of Novels, Character Arcs 101: Positive and Negative Arcs. A person sits at a desk writing, resting their head in their hand, in front of an open laptop. Writing Diverse Characters & Stereotypes We are nearing the end of Hispanic Heritage Month , and one of the things I put on my 2015 goals list was to support the creation of quality Latin American characters. The main character on the TV show "Scandal," Olivia Pope, is black. In this age of absolutes and extreme opinions, it's hard to write diverse characters... ...which means you should write them anyway. As I keep saying, identity is important, which brings us to another point. Establish their role. You must hear the Australians' side of things. Ask your connections in real life if they know of any Australians who might be willing to answer your questions. Let’s face it—the world is diverse, and readers want to see that diversity reflected in the stories they read. Whatever’s shared becomes a safe topic, but also familiar, ho hum, while whatever separates each character becomes “interesting” to the others. For example, even if you don’t have any racially diverse characters in your story, perhaps you have characters with different gender identities, religious beliefs, socioeconomic upbringings, disabilities, or sexualities. Not only did this rob audiences of seeing these two characters work through their disagreements, but it also robbed the movie of its potential. If they are compelling and hateful because of their deeds - and not because of what makes them different - you pass. Rather than tackle the complex issues of identity the movie set out to explore, Mark took the easy route and simply pretended these conversations didn’t matter. Or maybe not. In the past, the advice for writing diverse characters usually went like this: “Just write them like any other character and add female pronouns later.”. How your character feels in such a situation is very different depending on who they are and what their background is. They naturally enter my stories - because I believe in writing what you care about. The key to writing a diverse character is to let their background shade their personality without it completely overtaking it. In today's video, I'm sharing with you how to create and write diverse characters. Probably written by some snooty England aristocrat. Men often struggle to write female characters for a variety of reasons, but one of the biggest ones is that they claim “gender doesn’t matter.” Essentially, they’re forgetting to think about their character’s identity—they’re writing male characters, just giving them female pronouns. This is why slapping a “diverse” label on a generic character is so obvious. GO FOR THE EXTRA CREDIT One last harmful and chronic assumption privileged writers make when writing strong, diverse characters is that overcoming a lack of privilege requires sacrifice or even self-destruction. Of course, there’s also a deeper reason, and it’s by far the more important one. Well, here’s a tip: I try to write about people. I still have a lot of learning to do before I get there, and that’s ok. On the other hand, I feel much more comfortable writing female characters, even though I’m a man. Why should you care about writing diverse characters? One point of tension centers on quality of life, and the lack of opportunities to improve your situation. So, show empathy, but also take care of yourself and accept that some people can be fundamentally wrong. Granted, many things will be left out of a story, the “every day things” that probably aren’t very interesting to the audience that knows them so well, but odds are there will still be references, which give me more specific questions to ask. How to Write Diverse Characters (And Why It’s Not About Being ‘PC’) August 26, 2016 / Mikki Kendall. A character in a wheelchair, how brave!) This could have (maybe) been fine on the surface, but Andrews specifically claimed that “gender has nothing to do with [Brave]”—which, based on the opening of the movie and Brenda’s own statements, couldn’t be further from the truth. Society will treat you differently because of it, whether for better or worse, and the same is true for your characters. Well, enter Pixar’s Brave. Before you can effectively develop a character, you must determine the role … Pursuing Equity When Writing Diverse Characters. For instance, a gay man’s experience living in modern America differs from a straight man’s, or a trans man’s, or even a gay woman’s. This is your character research, and it’s what will allow you to write lifelike, multi-dimensional characters—even if your story isn’t anything like our real world. While writing diverse characters with different life experiences than yours is challenging to do well, so is good writing. Our bookshelves and e-readers are filled with autobiographical novels that touch minds and hearts because they are so close to the authors’ own experiences. For instance, you may be writing about a female character who is an avid gardener and a professional chef—based on that description, you might assume food is the most important factor in her life. Hey writer friends! several hundred years from now, most people will be X/15ths of another race - and the word “race” will dissolve into meaninglessness. The more you can see the world through their eyes with compassion and empathy, the more you can genuinely represent them on the page. Use your imagination! I’d be doing Australia a huge disservice if I only read books with titles like: “Australia: One Great, Big, Stinking Penal Colony.”. So, let’s get into this…. Even in fantasy and science fiction, identity will still play at least some role in how your characters are treated or expected to behave by those around them. That Black woman could very well be a foodie too, because she’s more than just her race. Creating characters outside your race and ethnicity can sound daunting. Instead, consider all the types of diversity that could exist in your cast and find the ones that connect with you the most. How do I write diverse characters? Here it is. Basically, the movie failed to write diverse characters and take them seriously. They can create a lot of realistic conflict between characters. It is a part of her identity and she … One effective way of doing this is through the ‘ Power Flower ’ method. Originally published on and republished here with the author’s permission. Better yet, this applies to everything from historical fiction to thrillers, fantasy, and sci-fi. For starters, if you want to write diverse characters well, you have to read. By using this site you agree to these cookies. Their unique combination of identities will shape how others treat them and how they live their life—and, if they never see this life experience reflected in the stories around them, it can be painfully isolating. How To Write Strong, Diverse Characters. Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with that, and it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t include Black characters in my novel—but it does mean I know where my skills lie and that, at least for now, I should focus on listening to Black people’s stories, rather than trying to create my own. Meanwhile, men are forced into the opposite mold, told they have to be physically powerful, aggressive, and emotionally cold. He is obsessed with all things futuristic, primarily Artificial Intelligence and the transformation of societies. On the one hand, I firmly believe writers can write any character or story they want. Think about how your characters would define themselves if they were asked, versus how an outsider would define them. Even if you, You want to hear what they love, what struggles they face, and, For example, my Australian Beta Reader might be able to tell me that. Her debut crime novel, The Other Twin, is out now with Orenda Books. These guidelines will enable you to respectfully portray “other” characters - without making them plain, boring, or predictable. We live in an age where the most dramatic opinion always gets attention: Right now, writing about other cultures and backgrounds feels like a minefield. Specifically, writing stories with diverse characters. General Tips for Getting It Right “Write what you know” applies diversity as much as it does space travel or gardening or marine biology. Don’t get me wrong, one side of the equation usually benefits from society’s views, but that doesn’t mean those views don’t still shape them. So it’s important to understand the people you’re writing about and the society they live in. While you need to consider how their society views them—whether positive or negative—that doesn’t mean you should think of them in such limiting terms either. If they live in a world that treats them poorly or restricts what they can say and do because of who they are, they’ll have a harder path to achieve their goals, and their life will be different because of it. Great characterisation is a non-negotiable in good writing. If you don’t know how it feels to be sidelined like this in your favorite franchises, check out this article: If Stories Treated Straight Couples Like They Treat Queer Couples. This goes for any identity too, whether straight, gay, Black, white, Muslim, Christian, or anything else. The fictional Englander, in this completely hypothetical situation, is going to give you the worst, most-biased opinion of Australians. Try the 3 Cs – clarity, character, conflict. We’ll all have our own ways of handling that, and that’s ok. Let’s get this out of the way before anything else…. 5 Tips for Fantastic Worldbuilding in Your Novel, The Secret to Writing a Page-Turning Novel. This isn’t limited to real world stories either. We may know very little about the culture we want to represent in our fiction. Helpful Tip For Writing Diverse Characters—Try By Princess Weekes Oct 27th, 2017, 5:14 pm At this point, it feels like the conversation about diversity in books should be a simple one. If you understand what it means to be the minority you have chosen; show that understanding in your character’s actions, beliefs, thoughts, and … Here’s hoping we have a much better world in our future. Build your Australian hero out like you would. It’s a fact that audiences want a greater variety of characters in movies and television that feel both fresh AND authentic. This is a plight too many minority groups face. Like it or not, we have a long history of hatred, cruelty, and oppression in my country, and it’s not something I’m equipped to unpack on my own. Acknowledge – recognize that you can’t know what this community feels and that that is okay. For example, this poor Australian New Zealander: Is your character treated differently because of where they come from, or who they are? This is why you can’t simply write a male character and then swap the pronouns. Upload Schedule: Tuesdays At 2 and Saturdays at 10 EST Okay I'm going to be Shameless now. Now return to your notes/ original … Including diverse characters in your book is not a requirement—furthermore, it's unlikely anyone will shame you for writing a book without any minority characters. My gut reaction to this is  "Yes, obviously!". Think From Their Perspective:. Even if your story is far removed from the real world, you’ll still have to write characters that are different from you and that see the world differently too. We have to stop limiting our characters because of their identities the same way society limits real people.Click To Tweet. That’s it. Writing Diverse Characters & Stereotypes We are nearing the end of Hispanic Heritage Month , and one of the things I put on my 2015 goals list was to support the creation of quality Latin American characters. The best part about having more questions is you will eventually find one that isn't easy to answer. can write any character or story they want. Read stories that feature the types of diversity you want to write—or just diversity in general. Better yet, try to read stories by people who actually share that specific identity, or stories that are highlighted by that community as truly representative of their lives. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site. This is what happened to Brave, and to so many stories like it. How do you write them in a way that enriches your stories - without horribly offending other cultures? This is when some research will come into play, … It should not be about making money, or because of fear. If they are compelling and hateful because of their deeds - and not because of what makes them different - you pass. They just aren’t represented in the stories we share, and when they are they’re represented in such flat, empty ways that it feels hollow. Your email address will not be published. Well, Brave had some disagreements over its development, which resulted in its director and original creator, Brenda Chapman, being replaced midway through production with Mark Andrews. For starters, if you want to write diverse characters well, you have to read. I simply have more life experiences that help me relate to the female perspective. One very simple test: Write a villain of another demographic. Even if you can talk to them in real life, you should take any chance possible to read about your demographic. I especially think, “find the main point of tension between their demographic, and other demographics in the story,” is very sharp. I’ll ask my Beta Readers and find out... How do you know can create “other” characters in a respectful, well-written way? By stretching your imagination (and your empathy) to include people from other backgrounds, you’ll gain a stronger appreciation for them - not only in your writing, but hopefully in real life too. Diverse characters present diverse realities that inspire and sensitize the readers towards a more educated and inclusive future. If you take action (i.e. This bear plot consumes most of the story, while the fight over identity doesn’t come up again until Merida gets a brief scene where she says her mother was right and she’ll bow to tradition. Let’s say you want to write an Australian character - but you’ve never met an Australian. Build your Australian hero out like you would any other hero: Sometimes, stereotypes - or rather, other people’s perceptions of your characters will affect their daily lives. It is advisable to check your privilege and identity before you set out to write diverse characters. Episode Transcript. Check out her website HERE and all … (Oh, a mixed race heroine, how clever. She’s a diplomat, and she expects her daughter to follow their clan’s traditions and enter a strategic marriage. Now return to your notes/ original logline / outline and use what you have broken down here to INFORM your story in a NEW logline … with your diverse character at the heart of it! Above all, think about the world from their perspective. Your Australian character should at least start with a seed of truth. At the end of the day, we ALL owe each other empathy, and unless we stand up for each other, we’ll never create positive change. Let me know in the comments! Not only does it push us to tell unique stories with varied casts of characters, but it also means more people will get to see their own experiences genuinely reflected in their favorite novels. Stories shape our world, from the stories we read in our favorite novels to the tales we tell ourselves. In my country specifically, we have a lot of growing to do, and it will take time and perseverance and a lot of trust. two characters work through their disagreements. “If you’re used to seeing people like you in everything you read and watch, it’s of course easy to claim that diversity doesn’t matter, that everyone is essentially the same… But the reality is, writing experiences, like writing anything else well, takes hard work, knowledge, nuance, and a willingness to improve.” – Mo Black, Yes, You Should Be Afraid to Write “Diverse” Characters. And, because of this, the dearth of well-written minority characters in the mainstream is becoming less acceptable by the day—whether they represent different races, sexualities, religions, genders, disabilities, or all of the above. So, to truly understand a character, you have to understand their identity first. This Won’t Be Easy—But It Will Be Worth It. This allows me to build a spectrum for all of my characters, and explore how their relationships grow when I throw them all into the same spaceship. And I’m probably not going to find them on Facebook. “Write what you know” is a popular adage, and for most writers, it works. Match your character’s history with the effects of it. There are all kinds of diversity out there, meaning there are also tons of ways to write diverse characters. P. S. Hoffman writes Science Fiction and Fantasy. Welcome back to my channel. How is their relationship with their family. Facebook . You don’t have to stop at fiction either. Listen, it’s easy to feel powerless in the face of everything going on right now. Fortunately, there is a better way to write diverse characters, and it revolved around identity. Check out her website HERE and all her books, HERE. What's different between your life and mind? I’m willing to bet your friend group has variety and diversity within it, and the group of friends, heroes, or enemies in your story should, as well. Every character is human. Her debut crime novel, The Other Twin, is out now with Orenda Books. Writing diversity is realistic, but reasons for writing diverse characters should be authentic. Hopefully, these tools will allow you to create captivating characters who come from different walks of life. How they realize these goals is what makes them unique, but their core desires are the same. From one writer to another, thank you so much for your support :). It is most important to understand the nationality, race, religion, or sexual orientation of your character (s). Someone may be completely different than you, may hold entirely different views, or may have grown up a world away from you—but, there are still common threads that connect us all, regardless of our identities. Of course, very few of us are defined by only one identity. Write complex, logical, fleshed out characters that have arcs, strengths, flaws, and chemistry. , Ignoring diversity is no longer an option for authors…, “If you’re used to seeing people like you in everything you read and watch, it’s of course easy to claim that diversity doesn’t matter, that everyone is essentially the same… But the reality is, writing experiences, like writing anything else well, takes hard work, knowledge, nuance, and a willingness to improve.” –, The Problem With How Diverse Characters Are Written, The Consequences of Ignoring Identity: Pixar’s, 7 Ways to Write Characters That Don’t Look Like You. Though some people think diversity is a ‘buzzword’, they soon agree it’s a better idea to have more variety. In any group, it’s often the differences that become a character’s most prominent attributes. You want to hear what they love, what struggles they face, and how they see themselves. At the end of the day, 99% of people just want to find happiness and purpose, to love and be loved, and to live in peace and safety. Her identity as a Black woman will probably be central to her story, but what if I told you they were the same woman? Of course, this doesn’t mean their identity won’t affect their lives. Find the main point of tension between their demographic, and other demographics in the story. Pursuing Equity When Writing Diverse Characters “Write what you know” is a popular adage, and for most writers, it works. Which becomes grounds for a thematic question that ties your story together. I'm pretty sure this is how stereotypes are born. The more you can understand the history and culture that shapes these diverse identities, the more you’ll be able to write characters that genuinely represent them. Empathize – improving your empathy, in general, will allow you to write more diverse characters because those characters will seem authentic if you can empathize with their underrepresented condition. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Well, for starters, there’s at least one selfish reason: You want to write better characters. This is where that pronoun swapping issue comes into play. You are writing an individual, not “the entire population of 'Straya jammed into a single human body.”. Speaking of limiting our characters, a lot of writers fall into a trap when creating diverse casts. 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