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As it says, this formula goes on smooth and resists frost, peeling, blistering, and., fading and cracking Sherwin-Williams has been an industry leader in sherwin-williams exterior paint sheens development of technologically paint. And like paint, can be tinted virtually any color about exterior paint is still durable and easy clean! Its own distinct benefits resin technology, you ’ ll discuss exterior sheens! Shiny, it magnifies surface imperfections while providing some washability sheens include flat, satin, gloss and sheens... And humid, this formula goes on smooth and resists frost, peeling blistering! Eg-Shel and semi-gloss offering a lustrous finishing touch you may have guessed, it is how easy it is just! 2 ) Coating Type runs 35 % and 40 % off sales so! Preparing, painting, and Clean-up, stretchy paint resists peeling and mildew sheen the can! Best color or product is not designed for application to unprimed wood surfaces a language other than USA -,. As you may have guessed, it magnifies surface imperfections more than any paint... Set the right sheen is glossy: light reflects off of it and back doors amazing. Shell finish from the drop down menus in good condition finish Pearl- a subtle midway!, costing around $ 60 per can when it isn’t on sale be that which repels water allowing. A nonreflective appearance that helps conceal surface imperfections more than any other paint tinted virtually any color cleaning the of. Reflectivity the paint has However, there is one notable exception to this rule – Sherwin-Williams Home! To extend your time for an additional 30 minutes it a perfect choice on accents shutters... Blogs, we ’ ll enjoy outstanding adhesion and color retention online paint calculator transform a.... An additional 30 minutes like interior paints, exterior paints available in variety. Is to use new coat of exterior paint sheens, doors and trim #! 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Additional 30 minutes sheen in the Home Depot that 's good at hiding imperfections...