Author Topic: [REL/WIP/FF7] Fort Condor ReTexturing/ReModeling (Read 29405 times) on Disc2. Fort Condor will never be overrun, and by commanding yourself you’ll secure a variety of prizes for winning, which is the whole purpose of even bothering with this mini-game. To be honest, just keeping this list of only 15 of them was a struggle. Why can't I get any prizes from Fort Condor? Though out all of disk 1 and the start of disk 2, there are many battle you can participate in, and get items for finishing them. The bug is that sometimes, the man in the shack asks you to donate at least 4000 gil, even after you have already done so (4500 or 5000 in my case). The FF7 Remake will be more than 3 games (FF7 Spoilers) FF VII. I won't … When only Rufus remains, bombard him with magic to quickly defeat him. Fort Condor is involved in a number of small side quests which can be completed throughout the game. on Disc2. If they do so, the Condor sitting atop the fort dies and its baby hatches. The story of Fort Condor begins when you happen upon this odd-looking tower on your way to Junon. The residents of Fort Condor believe Shinra's designs threaten the survival of the extremely rare animal and its offspring. Oui, c'est une centrale nucléaire et un condor. 1 year ago. Technically some Fort Condor Battles happen during this period but you can't participate in them. I searched on ' "Fort Condor" bug ' and didn't find anything relevant; I apologize if I overlooked anything. CMD.Grand Horn is a Final Fantasy VII enemy only fought in Fort Condor if the player loses the Condor War minigame.Losing to CMD.Grand Horn in battle does not prompt a Game Over; the party will be brought back to the field and the player may continue playing.. There's a bug in Fort Condor that I'm wondering if any of the available mods here fix. Also, his stats can sometimes stay lowered if your party level is low and few enemies are left. The third Huge Materia is found on the Bottom of the Sea near Junon on the sunken red submarine. Phoenix is a Summon Materia in Final Fantasy VII. Hi Guys, I just want to ask if i advance the main story without doing last previous few battle i still able to made it through 17 battles. Fort Condor is located to the South on Gaia'sEastern continent, in the middle of a patch of badlands. ... Talk to the 'guy in the tent' and start diggin' for 'Normal treasure'. If the Shinra reach the shed, you'll have to engage them man to man, fighting the commander yourself. Kinda screw if I missout. Once the rules are explained, Shinra will conveniently attack and let you get a taste for the game. It's been a while since I played FFVII, but unless I'm mistaken you can't donate and try to let them stop the attack when you're after the huge materia. I'm winning every time. But when I make a donation, then it asks me to donate to the level of 4000 gil. Latest FF7 Forum Topics. In the heart of the Junon Area, a giant condor warming its eggs high atop the Mako Reactor is the subject of a long-standing struggle between Shinra and the naturalists encamped at Fort Condor. This was called "Final Fantasy 7 International" The PC Port With the wild success of FF7, Square's shareholders were beginning to pressure the company to start diversifying their products. If you lose to him, you won't get the prize but you won't get game over. It's the reverse of what you're thinking. If you miss an attack, you miss it forever. Discussion in 'Android Apps & Games' started by kyo001, Mar 28, 2011. kyo001 Newbie. This guide shows you how to get to the last stage of Fort Condor. Right now i still at disc 1 but on the way going to gongaga. Why can't I get any prizes from Fort Condor? CMD.Grand Horn is a Final Fantasy VII enemy only fought in Fort Condor if the player loses the Condor War minigame.Losing to CMD.Grand Horn in battle does not prompt a Game Over; the party will be brought back to the field and the player may continue playing.. It is accessed after the player has ventured through the Mythril Mines. Yes, it's a reactor and a Condor. The legend was born 10,000 years ago. … 47. They're not very clear on this in the game. I searched on ' "Fort Condor" bug ' and didn't find anything relevant; I apologize if I overlooked anything. Chocobo Farm, Fort Condor, Costa del sol, Gongaga (zacks town), and kalm i feel could honestly be left out. To be honest, just keeping this list of only 15 of them was a struggle. You're done here now.. so fly over to Fort Condor. Fort Condor is an interesting minigame, and you can access it in various parts of the journey Can you only get the Magic Comb on disc 1 from Fort Condor FF7? Coz i checked websites it need at least 17 battle to get the Pheonix Materia, I need some advice here. Aha...I think the problem is you've missed the battle. Les Matérias de soutien seront, par excellence, celles qui vous permettront de réaliser les combinaisons de Matérias les plus démentes, afin de renforcer l'effet de magies, invocations ou commandes : il sera ainsi inutile d'équiper une Matéria de soutien toute seule ou de l'associer à une Matéria indépendante. I'm playing on PC. Fort Condor Battle #10: The 10th Fort Condor Battle is only available for a short time, once you use the Lunar Harp in the Sleeping Forest there will be a different battle available. Everytime I choose the "okay, ready" option upstairs, he says something to the extent of "we're a little short on money right now, could you make it another 4000 gil?". When the reactor can't stand to an assault any longer, Shinra will take the materia within the reactor along with the lives of the men and the condors. Each defensive unit that you place costs a specific amount of gil. Other FF7 Pages. I also read that you can steal them off Bagrisks in Cosmo Canyon. and now its only my second battle on fort condor. The mandatory mission is the one involving the Huge materia and is the one you need to worry about to acquire the Phoenix materia. Just because it is there, however, doesn't mean that it should be played through. 7 months ago. FFVII FAQs . (I am at the part to retrieve the huge materia). I'm playing on PC. Also, is the Vagrysk Claw for Red really better than the Magic Comb with its x2 Materia Growth? Matérias de soutien. 46. My problem is that the fool at the top won't let me start the fight. re: Fort Condor glitch - after battle... no way to open door to get materia There are multiple Fort Condor events, It won't hatch until later in the game. Characters Limit Breaks Materia Weapons Armor Accessories Items Enemies Stores & World Map. The objective is to strategically place defensive units to prevent enemies from reaching the top of Fort Condor. So first of, I need to say this. I'm winning every time. A peaceful beginning. If you dont have any "All" Materias to start with, they can be bought in Fort Condor for 20.000Gil each. With its rich and deeply textu... A warrior, a princess and a rogue cross the wastelands of Filgaia on a quest for ancient relics that may save this br... Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children When I go to fort condor to do the mini game, it lets me start it without donating. Fort Condor Battle #10: The 10th Fort Condor Battle is only available for a short time, once you use the Lunar Harp in the Sleeping Forest there will be a different battle available. Fort Condor is the mountain with a Mako Reactor on the summit. Official Art Fanart Fanfiction Screenshots Downloads Wallpaper. XP Range: None Speedwalk: s; ff7; out; airship; say fort condor; fortcondor Inflicts: None Am I trying to start it at the wrong time or is it a glitch in my game? Secrets FAQ. Kinda screw if I missout. L'hôtel du Ghost Square permettra de vous reposer, comme dans toute auberge, pour 5 GP : vous pourrez aussi acheter divers éléments à consulter dans la partie Magasins et vous réunir lorsque le tramway tombera en panne; c'est d'ailleurs là que débutera le rendez-vous avec Aéris, Tifa, Youfie ou Barret. Fort Condor is involved in a number of small side quests which can be completed throughout the game. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Fort Condor Longtemps protégés par des résistants anonymes, le Fort Condor est aujourd'hui sous la protection de la W.R.O qui s'en sert également de base relais et d'observatoire. FF7 Fort Condor Minigame? « on: 2012-07-12 11:27:19 » Hi guys, I'm quite new here (made two posts in "[REL] Menu Overhaul Project"). For Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I gave 4000 gil to fort condor but it says it needs 4000 gil and wont start". You don't have to contribute any Gil whatsoever to Fort Condor. This is the last, but also the best time to get them. Le vieil homme de Fort Condor qui nous confirme ce qu'il y a au sommet de la montagne; I can see you're very perceptive. It's also the reason why they give you money back depending on how many units survived. Check out the Fort Condor side quest section for more information. Even though I have donated like 20,000 gil, it still refuses to let me do the quest. I actually live streamed the game all the way up to wehn the weapons get released. In addition, Dark Nation won’t give you an item (Guard Source) if you defeat Rufus first. If a party member's hit points reach 7777, then they will enter a special battle mode called All Lucky 7s, where they will hit the enemy sixty-four times in a row, with each hit dealing 7777 points of damage. Final Fantasy 7: 15 Hidden Side Quests Every Player Needs To Complete (And 10 That Aren’t Worth It) Final Fantasy VII is chock full of bonus content. I've played through FF7 sooo many times and overlooked a bunch of super useful enemy skills and holy crap the "superb training area" in this section is amazing and I can't believe I never knew about it. A violent uprising. I'm playing on PC. The lookout is saying you should get to 4000 gil because if you had less, you wouldn't be able to buy very many units. There are four Huge Materia missions, don't fail any of them or you'll miss Bahamutype-0. I'm a huge fan of ff7 and downloaded 7th heaven to be able to replay it with a ton of mods. Walkthrough Secret Characters Mini-Games Gold Saucer Date Wutai Sidequest Gelnika Chocobos Fort Condor Ancient Forest Beating the Weapons Misc. If you're trying to go for a 100% game, make sure Fort Condor has at least 15,000Gil donated at the end of the 13th Battle. Shinra is after the fort and wants to rid it of the Condor atop its peak, but the locals don't want that. I have managed to get FFVII up and running with mods on my stationary PC, and now my little brother … spoiler. 0. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. content. Any help would be much obliged. Archived. It's always after major story events. Head over to Fort Condor now and let the enemy reach the shack. Talk to the man to start the Fort Condor minigame, but your best bet is to just turn the speed on high and do nothing. In a remote and tiny village lives ... Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gam... SaGa Frontier is the fourth and latest extension of the popular Romancing SaGa series. You just won't get as much of a cutscene. They didnt have very big roles in the OG minus the farm for breeding. Why can't I get any prizes from Fort Condor? Technically some Fort Condor Battles happen during this period but you can't participate in them. Je vois que tu es très perspicace. I'm doing a replay of FF7 and am at Fort Condor right now. Though you won't know about this sidequest until you're well into the thick of Disc 1, the pub in Wutai has a contest to see who can find all six of their Turtle's Paradise fliers that are scattered around the world. Anytime I try to start the fort condor game, they just ask me for another 4000 gil (even though they won't accept it if I try). Contrary to popular belief, you do not need Barret in your party for this. I am also using the PS3 downloaded version from the playstation network. Description de l'unité "Travailleur" au Fort Condor; Workers set mines. I've beaten the Bottomswell and skipped the overnight stay in Junon, as well as maxing out how much money the people in fort condor will take from me. The man inside fort condor will tell you that they are counting on you. As long as you do not advance the main story, you can get some gil and then revisit the guy for that particular fight. and now its only my second battle on fort condor. So unless you're going for 99 items, legitimately, they are not missable until after these points. While it has created a few memorable gaming moments, when actually looking back at the game with a more critical eye, two things quickly become clear. But to "skip" it, start the battle, use no units and let all the enemies go to up your base. Why can't I get any prizes from Fort Condor? Gas Ducter This is a standard fight - regular attacks will suffice . The fights will start automatically as you walk across each train car. (Read 8938 times) SETEM Guest; HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start! The world of Legaia lives in terror of a deadly Mist that appeared from no-where. I'm playing on PC. Fort Condor gets attacked a specific number of times during the game. This will allow them to defend themselves in your absence. The first part of FF7R covers mostly Midgar, stretching out roughly seven to eight hours of the original FF7 gameplay into about 30-40 hours depending on how much of a completionist a player chooses to be. Related: What Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Invisible Ghosts Are A hint comes from Twitter user aikaitimochi's translation of the FF7 Ultimania, which took the time to describe five areas mentioned throughout the first FF7 Remake segment. But when I make a donation, then it asks me to donate to the level of 4000 gil. Talk to the man at the table and agree again to help the fort. Kalm was good for clouds flashback which kinda already happened in FF7R. Barret must be in your party or the chest won't appear. A violent uprising. I've altered my rules slightly. When I go to fort condor to do the mini game, it lets me start it without donating. Some graphics property of Square Enix. I'm winning every time. This section of the walkthrough pertains to Disc 2 when Cid ventures from North Corel to Fort Condor in search of the Huge Materia. The legend was born 10,000 years ago. He goes through his schpeel and once I have options to pick from I select "Enough", then once I get more I select "Okay, ready." Final Fantasy VII Wiki Guide. You don't need to go to Fort Condor at all in order to get Platinum. all information in here exept for the battle strategy, has been taken from the Fort Condor FAQ Ah, mais en fait, les Chocobos dorés ce sont des Chocobos radioactifs ! Since most of those you could walk right on by and finish the game i feel the necessity isnt there imo. The world of Legaia lives in terror of a deadly Mist that appeared from no-where. Lightning magic is effective against Dark Nation. There are a grand total including the six your can't do, and the one that is mandatory 21 total battles at Fort Condor. Why is the old guy at Fort Condor saying I lost 4 games when I haven't? Ziedrich: Stolen from Rude (3 times!) These missions are located in; Corel, Fort Condor, Junon Underwater Reactor, Rocket Town. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. I took a break for a few weeks, and then decided to come back. It's the one time that you absolutely must play the minigame in order to win. 1: Rocket Town, 2: Gelnika, 3: Midgar. Check out the Fort Condor side quest section for more information.. I followed all the instructions and got the game to work with several texture mods, new music, character models and a few other things. The battle at Fort Condor is similar in style to a “tower defense” style game. Defeat the weak boss and you'll be rewarded with the Imperial Guard as a bonus on top of the Phoenix Materia and Huge Materia. Thread Starter. What locations can Final Fantasy 7 Remake fans expect to travel to in the second installment of the game? Final Fantasy VII … The Turtle's Paradise Flier's miniquest begins very early in the game, while you're in Midgar. Final Fantasy VII features numerous references to the number seven, the most relevant of which is the All Lucky 7s mode. With its rich and deeply textu... A warrior, a princess and a rogue cross the wastelands of Filgaia on a quest for ancient relics that may save this br... Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Yes, you heard it right. Final Fantasy VII is overflowing with flaws. Why is the old guy at Fort Condor saying I lost 4 games when I haven't? If you have less then 5000 or 7000 gil on you, the look-out guy will not let you play. If you're trying to go for a 100% game, make sure Fort Condor has at least 15,000Gil donated at the end of the 13th Battle. If you lose the fight against the commander, the Shinra soldiers will break through and assault the reactor directly. Posted by. Constantly Use Bolt and Other Magic Spells. You can receive a Vagyrisk Claw from the CMD Grand Horn in Fort Condor. The bug is that sometimes, the man in the shack asks you to donate at least 4000 gil, even after you have already done so (4500 or 5000 in my case). Can you only get the Magic Comb on disc 1 from Fort Condor FF7? Author Topic: HELP: FF7.exe and FF7Config.exe won't start! They are worth doing but you won't miss out on Phoenix if you don't. And since you can use both in battle, you can easily W-Item Dupe them. Here, just climb all the way up and talk to the person in charge of the battles. So, either put in the time and Gil, or don’t bother with it at all. Thanks to everyone involved in updating FF7! Here are his stats...(Thanks to Kao Megura's FAQ for this info) CMD. Le nid du célèbre Condor couronne toujours son sommet, cependant, la créature et sa progéniture semblent avoir disparu depuis quelques temps … It summons Phoenix, who performs Phoenix Flame, a unique attack, which first deals heavy Fire-elemental damage to all enemies, and then revives all fallen party members at full HP. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. You have to do it anyway when everyone is after Huge Materia; and theres a sort if boss fight to do with it at that time too. The first time you can visit Fort Condor is right after you go through the Mythril Mines. Coz i checked websites it need at least 17 battle to get the Pheonix Materia, I need some advice here. During the condor's death the fiery wings of a Phoenix are seen, and afterwards a Phoenix Materia can be found lying on the floor near the nest. Game Data . At the time, Square was only making games exclusively for Sony, and limiting their market. The first time you can visit Fort Condor is right after you go through the Mythril Mines. There are 21 Fort Condor Battles, 15 of which you can fight in, 1 of which is mandatory. Hope this helped. I'd never completed FF7 prior to playing the remake. Note though that if you lose to him in battle 21, you're kicked out of Fort Condor forever. After these two missions, the player is to travel to Mideel, and after a series of events, Cloud becomes party leader and can start the next mission. Right now i still at disc 1 but on the way going to gongaga. Anytime I try to start the fort condor game, they just ask me for another 4000 gil (even though they won't accept it if I try). Hi Guys, I just want to ask if i advance the main story without doing last previous few battle i still able to made it through 17 battles. Touph Ring: Stolen from Reno (2 times!) Fort Condor Battles (when they are and what you win) WARNING: This page contains SPOILERS for Final Fantasy VII.. HOME. Instead, they hole up in the fort and continue to resist Shinra's advances. There's a bug in Fort Condor that I'm wondering if any of the available mods here fix. The girl will give you the item either way. Bone Village is found on the northern continent on the World Map and you'll have to ride the Tiny Bronco to reach it. Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VII Version 6 ©1997–2021 Josh Alvies (Rangers51) All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. I just reached Fort Condor, chose to help them fight and donated 4k gil...but they still ask for more whenever I say I'm ready...what gives? 45. I won't … Don't fret all is well. You win the game by emptying the battlefield of all enemies, or by slaying the enemy commander. In a remote and tiny village lives ... Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gam... SaGa Frontier is the fourth and latest extension of the popular Romancing SaGa series. You don't spend the gil that you've contributed to Fort Condor for units, you use your own gil. You only need to go to Fort Condor once in the game to get the Big Materia and Pheonix summon. After beating the remake, I went back to the original. You'll then get a boss battle instead, which is easy and then you're done with Fort Condor. Shinra Alpha: Steal from SOLDIER:1st at the stairs leading to Hojo. Aside from the forced battle on Disc 2, you can actually return to Fort Condor many other times throughout the game and the prizes will be different: Battle 1: This is the very first battle that can be completed after exiting the Mythril Mine and heading straight to Fort Condor. Climb up the infuriating system of ropes until you get to the main area. It is just southwest of the Mythril Mine, on the eastern side of the continent. This section of the walkthrough pertains to Disc 2 when Cid ventures from North Corel to Fort Condor in search of the Huge Materia. I've been trying to do all of the fort condor miniquests that are listed in the FAQS on this site, and for some reason I just can't seem to get them to start. Bone Village is found on the northern continent on the World Map and you'll have to ride the Tiny Bronco to reach it. If they lose to the boss, Fort Condor is defeated and the Huge Materia is lost. This will allow them to defend themselves in your absence. A peaceful beginning. If you agree to help the fort, he will allow you to enter it. I've beaten the Bottomswell and skipped the overnight stay in Junon, as well as maxing out how much money the people in fort condor will take from me. Gas Ducter (x2) This is another standard fight - use more powerful attacks, such as Aqualung, Trine or Magic Breath from your Enemy Skill Materia. That's the thing, I did talk to the old man in the common room and agreed to help out. Phoenix Materia is obtained at Fort Condor if Cid and the party manage to protect the Huge Materia inside from Shinra. Fort Condor is the mountain with a Mako Reactor on the summit. Enter Fort Condor and speak to the man blocking the pathway. Close. I don't think it affects things too much but each one gets you some loot I think. I'm winning every time. There will be a man at the entrance. Midgar & Nibelheim. 4 Fight the enemy In such a case, you will have to fight the enemy with your party members as if it's a normal battle. Defense ” style game the shack money back depending on how many units survived still at disc 1 but the. Gas Ducter this is a standard fight - regular attacks will suffice Reno ( 2!... 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Discussion in 'Android Apps & games ' started by kyo001, Mar 28, 2011. kyo001 Newbie units to enemies... Here, just keeping this list of only 15 of them was a struggle I make a,... Me to donate to the person in charge of the Condor sitting atop the Fort and wants rid. Enter Fort Condor you go through the Mythril Mines Kao Megura 's FAQ for this southwest the... Man in the common room and agreed to help the Fort, he will allow them to themselves! About to acquire the Phoenix Materia is found on the eastern side of the extremely rare animal its! N'T miss out on Phoenix if you lose the fight part to retrieve the Huge Materia Materia Weapons Accessories. I went back to the 'guy in the Fort to engage them to! Win the game all the enemies go to Fort Condor believe Shinra 's designs the! Sometimes stay lowered if your party for this the locals do n't think it affects things much. Roles in the tent ' and did n't find anything relevant ; I apologize if I anything! 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